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Fort Stevens Campground

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

It was nice sleeping in the campground, but we got in the night before around 5pm and didn't have a chance to explore. We woke up and ate breakfast and mapped out our hike.

We started out looking to go and see the shipwreck, but we got turned around at some point and we were lucky to see wildlife on the path. It took us to North Lake were I saw a hawk swoop down and grab a fish, of course camera was not ready. We walked back to camp and grabbed a second long hot shower and headed out to find the shipwreck in Yub Nub. Finally after getting directions from the ranger, we found it, the wreck of the Peter Iredale. The ship ran ashore in 1906 and originally had little hull damage. Plans were made to tow it out but when there were favorable weather and ocean conditions the ship taken on water to the left side and became embedded in the sand and was then abandoned where it sits today.

After walking around the wreckage a few times, we continued on to Astoria, more specifically to see my in-laws first home together. FaceTime brought them all the way to memory lane and a chance to talk with one of the neighbors. We walked downtown Astoria and treated ourselves to some of the best Fish and Chips I ever had if not the best.

The Goonies were filmed in Astoria and we were able to see some of the filming locations.

We made our way to a rest stop right outside Olympia looking for to visiting Olympic National Park.

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